Pastor for Student Ministries


Redeemer Church is a gospel-centered missional church serving the Michiana area. We exist to glorify
God by following Jesus, in the Spirit’s power, for the redemption of the world. Our church is built around
four core values. (1) Trusting Jesus and his finished work with all our hearts (the gospel); (2) Seeing and
savoring Jesus every week in Scripture, prayer, and at the Table (worship); (3) Following Jesus in
partnership with others (community); and (4) Sharing Jesus in word and deed (mission).
The Pastor for Student Ministries will provide teaching, oversight, and pastoral care to all middle and
high school student ministries at Redeemer Church. This position reports to the Lead Pastor.


 Work closely with Lead Pastor in providing teaching, oversight, and pastoral care to our middle
and high school students
 Plan, coordinate, and oversee all student ministry events, including mid-week events, Sunday
morning classes, and special events
 Recruit, train, shepherd, and supervise volunteers for student ministries
 Serve alongside a dynamic church staff team in collaborative leadership of ministries and
volunteers of the church


 Genuine faith in and love for Jesus Christ
 Agreement with Redeemer’s mission, core values, and statement of faith
 Humble, teachable disposition and a willingness to work closely with Lead Pastor and various
teams of volunteers
 Skills in teaching and leading discussion
 Strong relationship skills and a genuine love for middle and high school students
 A willingness to read and grow in theology, philosophy of ministry, and other needed skills
 Three or more years previous experience in student ministries preferred

Application Process

 If you are interested in this position, please send resumé, with references, to
Redeemer Church will contact candidates under consideration.


Director of Youth Ministry & Worship


Director of Youth Ministry