Zombies at the Dinner Table?

zombies-at-the-dinner-tableDo you ever encounter a kid who just won’t seem to engage in spiritual conversations?I just received the following encouraging note from “Josh,” a youth worker who happens to also be a foster dad:

I wanted to share with you that our family just began your Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide for Teenagers last night. I have a 16-year-old foster daughter who has been with us for 5 months now, and she hasn’t responded much to spiritual things. We only went through the first few opening pages of the book – setting the stage, so to speak, for future family devotionals with this – but she interacted with those pages more than she has with any other family devo we’ve done. Her reactions ranged from laughter to, “Does it really say that?”  It was fun to read with those pages with her and the other kids.

Anyway, since our family is not so typical, it is nice to have a not-so-typical devotional that we can go through together. I’m thankful that you have written it. I hope this is an encouraging reminder that God is using you for kingdom impact…even through zombie stories.

It’s so awesome to see God using this resource to impact young people.


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