Building a Youth Ministry from Scratch

I’m excited about this new blog series we’ll be starting today: Building a Youth Ministry from Scratch. Recently, I had quite a few people contact me for advice on how to build a youth ministry from the ground up. I figured more people could benefit from my advice if I started blogging about this, so here we go.Before we dig in, I want to make a few things clear. This series is not just aimed at those doing ministry in a western (Read: American) context, on the contrary. I’ve gotten many questions about starting or revitalizing a youth ministry from other parts of the world as well, for instance from South Africa, The Philippines, and India. So I will try to make my advice as broad as possible and not just focus on issues that are important to the church in North America or Europe.

What we’ll cover

That being said, here’s a first overview of some of the topics we’ll cover in this series:

If you have any other topics or questions you’d like to see covered, leave a comment below!


A Glimpse into Teenage Depression


How Emotions Influence Our Decisions