Wrong Way, Parker

You've got to feel for Andre Parker. I mean, he got excited and just ran the wrong way.Since it isn't on YouTube, I can't really use it for an official YouTube You Can Use. But here's how I'd use it if I were going to.Video:Andre Parker Runs the Wrong WayTopic: Mistakes, ForgivenessBible:Luke 7:47Discussion Starter:A magical moment for Andre Parker went horribly wrong. As a special teams player you are trying to make a play for your team... and hopefully capture the attention of your coach so you can move up the depth chart.Unfortunately, Andre Parker got all kinds of attention. So much so that he has one of the most watched videos on ESPN this week.We can all identify with Parker. In our excitement we make mistakes. Our heart, sometimes our hands and feet, get so excited that they just take us the wrong way. More often than not we don't set out to sin-- it just kind of happens and we're left, shaking our heads, and wondering how we've come to this place of brokenness once again.Rest easy, friends. Jesus forgives and forgive and forgives. In Luke 7 Jesus said to a woman who had made many mistakes, "Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little."3 Questions

    Have you ever done anything embarassing while playing a sport?
    If you made that mistake on the field, how would you respond?
    If your best friend made that mistake on the field, how would you respond?

Chew on thisIf Jesus forgives our sins anyway, why bother trying not to sin in the first place?


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