What's different about your youth ministry?

5956212133_88114eb1fdSummer is officially dwindling. Camps, mission trips, and vacations are winding down while thoughts of band camp, high school football, and back-to-school shopping are creeping in.The sun is setting microscopically sooner each night. And every once in a while you feel a breeze hinting coolness from somewhere cold.This is the cycle of youth ministry. Students graduate and move out and new students excitedly move up.Within the cycle of youth ministry summer is also a time of renewed vision. We wrap-up the school year exhausted. We want to do better, we tweak some ideas, we work within our structures to fold in new ideas.Every youth group starts the year off with high hopes.And so I ask a simple question: What's really going to be different this year? 

Photo credit: Tomas Alvarez via Flickr (Creative Commons) 

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