Want to be hip? You need an inflatable beard

I have no idea why you need this bad boy. But you do. And for just $4 what youth workers life would be complete without one? I can think of 4 reasons you need an inflatable beard.

  • Your upcoming trip to the wave pool. I know, for years you've rented an inner tube in hopes that students wouldn't notice you can't swim. But they are onto you. Wear this in the water and you've got a cool looking floatation device. Think about it, it's nearly impossible for your face to go under water.
  • An amazing disguise at your next church business meeting. Keep this in your pocket just in case they start asking questions about last month's expense report. "What do you mean I shouldn't have spent $250 at the cheese emporium?"
  • A teenage girl repellant. Men, I know how hard it is out there. Wear this at your next Bible study and you'll never have a young lady look at you funny ever again.
  • Complete your Billy Mays Halloween costume. We know you really want to be Darth Vader. You're too old to pull that off. But Billy Mays? Pure genius.
Tip: If your beard lasts longer than 4 hours consult a physician.

A childhood spent in Christian pop music


Adam McLane on Youth Ministry 6.3 (Creativity)