Top Youth Ministry Blog Nominations


So, I flipped the calendar on the top youth ministry blog rankings.

There are three main reasons for this.

  1. May/June was just a terribly busy time to try to do it. Plus, youth ministry blogs are doing weird things that time of year as their readership is winding down their ministry year.
  2. A couple of the very top blogs dramatically reorganized. So I wanted to give time for the dust to settle on all of that.
  3. RSS subscription has typically been a key measurement. But Google Reader pretty much killed that which left a void on one of our blog strength indicators.

The new plan is to release the new list between Christmas and New Years 2013. (When all the other "best of" lists are coming out.)

Here's what I need

Each year, the day we release the list, we hear from people who are mad that their blog wasn't included. In the past there are actually a couple of blogs that would have been ranked had we known that they even existed.

So this year, we're opening up the index to nominations with a couple of rules.

  1. Please don't waste my time. Only submit blogs that are updating several times per month, that are primarily about youth ministry or life in youth ministry, and you think get 250 or more unique visitors per day.
  2. If someone has already been on the list, they don't need to be nominated. I'm going to index last years top 100 or so blogs and add the new ones which are nominated.

To nominate a blog, please fill out the form below

[gravityform id="15" name="Top Youth Ministry Blog Nomination" title="false" description="false" ajax="true"]

Questions about the 2013 rankings? Please leave a comment!


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