Tis the Season for 1-on-1 Coaching!

Tis the season where we start thinking a bit more than other months about how we want to make the most of the year ahead of us. How do you want to grow? What new habits do you want to form? What questions have been haunting you for far too long? What do you want to accomplish this year?This is where 1-on-1 Coaching could be exactly the right thing! With one-time consults, 3-month and 6-month plans to help you break through to the next level, get healthier, or even simply provide some outside perspective, a 1-on-1 Coach would be a "win" for every youth worker this year.Don't believe me? That's cool. Check out what 2 of our most recent participants said about their 1-on-1 Coaching experience:

I cannot say enough good things about my experience with The Youth Cartel in general or my 1-on-1 coaching experience with April Diaz in particular. I’ve been doing this a long time…almost 20 years…so long that your vision gets blurry, like when you stare at something without blinking for a while. Fresh eyes, ears, and perspective are just what the doctor ordered on a recent sabbatical, and April packed a whole lot of affirmation, challenge, and wisdom into an hour. I heard “I totally get it” plenty of times, which made me feel less alone in my angst and tension. But she also held my feet to the fire on some points where I needed to be taken to task. In short, I got off the call with plenty to process through, including 2-3 practical steps to take on my own moving forward. I can’t imagine that a better coaching service exists, and the next time I need to blink and snap out of it, I’ll be calling the Cartel again. I would recommend it as an annual check-up for every student pastor in the country.- Titus BensonThe 1-on-1 coaching came at just the right time for me. I was very much in need of someone to help sort out the issues I was facing and my coach provided great insight and help give me prospective through listening and asking great questions. This experience has set me on a great path and I am excited about what the future holds.- Ryan Pixton

Check it out more HERE.


Fixing vs Being


The Gift of Lent