The McBackfire

The Daily Mail (UK) is  reporting on a social media campaign gone horribly wrong.It seems someone at McDonald's thought it would be a good idea to get Twitter followers to share stories using the hashtag #mcdstories. That's when anti-McDonald's advocates jumped on the opportunity to make a splash.And within an hour McDonald's had to change course because it was starting to go viral... in a bad way. A couple of my favorites from the article:

  • @jfsmith23 wrote: 'Watching a classmate projectile vomit his food all over the restaurant during a 6th grade trip. #McDStories'
  • @nelo_taylor who wrote: 'These #McDStories never get old, kinda like a box of McDonald's 10 piece'
  • @JKingArt #McDstories I lost 50 lbs in 6 months after I quit working and eating at McDonald'sRead more

What does this have to do with youth ministry? When you plan things you always have to keep The Law of Unintended Consequences in mind. Ask yourself, what is my most perverted 7th grader or my most creative 10th grader going to do with this game idea?Because if you don't? They'll McLove you. Photo credit - happymealy - Flickr (Creative Commons)


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