Free resource for students on preventing and responding to dating violence in youth ministry we don't talk about dating until February. But you don't need to wait until your scheduled teaching series to talk to your students about things that cross the line.Think this might not be important to your students? 1 in 3 adolescents in the U.S. is a victim of physical, sexual, emotional, or verbal abuse by a dating partner.Recently, the National Dating Abuse Hotline and an organization called Break the Cycle came together to put together an online resource for teenagers called, "Love is Respect." While not specifically Christian, there are lots of great resources here I've not seen anywhere else.

  • Healthy relationship quizzes (Not the crazy ones in magazines, actually these are pretty good.)
  • 24 hour live chat helpline
  • 24 hour text hotline
  • Lots of articles, videos, and resources for students to explore.
Even if you don't want to bring it up in youth group. This might be a great resource to post on your groups Facebook page or mention in a monthly resource.

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