The 10 TED Talks every youth leader should watch (1)

I love TED talks. They're often inspiring, challenging and it's a quick and easy way to get fresh perspectives and new ideas.For youth leaders, TED talks are a brilliant resource. I've truly learned a lot by watching a few talks each month and in this post, I want to share my favorites with you. Here are the 10 TED talks that every youth leader should watch:

1. Brene Brown - The Power of Vulnerability

This is the ultimate TED talk in my opinion. It's brilliant, it's funny, it's personal and it will completely change your perspective and paradigm. Literally life changing.[ted id=1042]

2. Philip Zimbardo - The demise of guys

This is the TED talk that introduced me to the concept of arousal addiction. What an eye opener![ted id=1206] 

3. Peter Benson - How youth thrive

This talk from a non-Christian who is passionate about teens is such an encouragement.

4. Rita Pierson - Every kid needs a champion

The title doesn't quite cover the content in this case, but listening to this passionate woman with 40 years experience in teaching kids is a delight. Here's my take away: "No significant learning can occur without a significant relationship." Ain't that the truth.[ted id=1728] 

5. Daphne Bavalier - Your brain on videogames

A refreshing and surprising take on the effect video games have on the brain. It contradicts other research I've read on this topic, which makes it even more fascinating. It's proof that there are always two, or even more sides to a story...[ted id=1618] Don't forget to check out 5 more TED talks every youth leader should watch. In the meantime, which one is your favorite and do you have any more talks you think are crucial for youth leaders to watch?


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