Take the Youth Pastor Compensation Survey 2018

We all know youth workers are underpaid.Fellow youth worker Dan Navarra set out on a simple mission last year to do something about it. He created his first compensation survey to get fellow youth workers the information they needed to have an informed conversation with their church about their compensation.So far in 2018, more than 35,000 people viewed his report we published on our blog. Thousands downloaded a PDF version to share with others.And now the work has begun on the new survey. This year Dan is working with The Youth Cartel and Christianity Today so that the information from his survey isn't just shared with youth workers, it'll be shared with all church leaders, administrators, and decision makers across the United States.Dan needs your help. If you work at a church in youth ministry, part-time or full-time, please take 15-20 minutes to complete this years edition of the survey. Also, please send the survey link (https://goo.gl/yQyzzH) to any other part-time or full-time youth worker you know. The more people who take the survey, the more information Dan collects, the more accurate and localized the results will be to your context.Our goal with the survey is simple: None of us do this for the money. But if we aren't compensated fairly we won't be able to serve in youth ministry for long. We know this is a problem and one way we're combatting the problem is having really good, really fresh data. Thank you!Viva la revolution!


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