Sticky Faith Turns One!

I've long been excited about Sticky Faith from the Fuller Youth Institute. Last Fall, I even headed up an online book club for parents in youth ministry. Together, we read the book and discussed its implications on our individual ministries & our own families.One thing that's been great about Sticky Faith is that Kara & Brad have seen it more as a ministry initiative than a product. They did some in depth, important research on the impact of student ministry both for students and families and made an intentional choice to make the findings as accessible to front-line youth workers as possible. They built a website full of great resources, Kara has spoken at dozens of conferences and local churches, and of course they've developed a series of books and resources you can buy.In celebration of their one year birthday at Sticky Faith, here's 3 things I think you should check out.

  1. Calendar Prompts - Oh, this is so simple yet awesome. All you have to do is add this calendar to your Google Calendar / iCal / Outlook calendar and it will remind parents of stuff they should be thinking about timed with the school year.
  2. Approachability - This week they are doing webcasts. But they also do year-long Sticky Faith cohorts for church leaders. This is pretty much unprecedented access, you should jump on that. (Academic researchers aren't exactly known for their accessibility!)
  3. Das Blog - It's no surprise that I'm a blog junky. I really enjoy the Sticky Faith blog because it takes the stuff from the books and applies it over and over and over again.

What are things you like about Sticky Faith? What are things you wish they would add?I'll go first: I wish that they'd hire Lost & Found to write a song about Sticky Faith and for The Skit Guys to do an interpretive dance to it.Your turn. 


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