Let's Talk About Sex [Blog Series]

It was a running joke in our youth ministry. Every time we would ask the students what topics they were most interested in, the top answers were 'sex' and 'the end times'. We we joked that a series on 'sex in the end times' would be a guaranteed hit.Jokes aside, sex is and remains a topic that's crucially important to teens. No wonder, as they are in the age where sex becomes an issue, both positive and negative. When puberty hits, not only come all these bodily changes (if they haven't come already, since teens start developing earlier and earlier), but then all the conflicting emotions show up as well.In today's youth culture, sex is incredibly hard to navigate well, even more so for Christian teens. I'm not saying it was easy in my time, but we didn't have the porn that's so readily available now on the Internet, or social media, sexting, slut-shaming, etc. We also didn't grow up in a cultural that's increasingly acceptant of LGBT people (and I'm not saying this is a bad development), which comes with its own set of challenges.Teens and sexAnd the biggest problem with sex, is that it's so easy to mess up and so hard to wipe the slate clean once you've messed up. Some sexual mistakes may haunt you for a long time, or others will keep confronting you with your mistakes.Sex matters, especially for teens. As youth leaders, we must help our students navigate these shark-infested waters. We can assist them in making good decisions.In this brand new blog series on sex, we will explore the topic of teens and sex from various angles. We'll look at statistics, data, facts, but also at resources, personal stories, creative ideas. My goal is to equip you so you'll feel comfortable and informed in discussing this tough topic with your students. So let's talk about sex! (cue Salt 'n Peppa song—which tells you exactly which decade I grew up in!)Here's what we have posted in this series so far (I've added some posts on this topic that I published before starting this series, just to give you a nice overview of everything I've written on this topic):

If you have any questions or issues you'd like to see answered or discussed, leave a comment![Photo credit: Ana-Cotta on Flickr, Creative Commons]


Yes Means Yes: Affirmative Consent


Youth Sermon: Jesus is the Rock (Matthew 7:24)