Onramps - A cohort for youth workers in their first few years

We are currently wrapping up our second group of the Onramp Cohort of the Youth Ministry Coaching Program. It’s been so great and encouraging. We’re looking forward to launching the next one later this Spring.What is the Onramp Cohort? It’s an online training approach focused on skills and priorities needed by people in their first few years of youth ministry.We’re finding that churches often hire the right people--youth workers who enter the field for all the right reasons, many with all of the right educational background--but they just don’t have the experience they need to handle the practical day-to-day realities of leading a youth ministry in their context.They love Jesus, they love working with teenagers. But now what?That’s where Onramps has been so unique and helpful for participants. We meet online for 3 hours every other month, where we share what’s going on in our ministries, get input on each participant’s unique challenges, have specialized guest trainers, and spend time growing together in our youth ministry skills. Participants also get 4 sessions with a certified 1-on-1 coach, who gets to know their specific situations, and help them move toward desired outcomes.So if you’re in your first few years of ministry, if you’re hiring a new youth worker who is brand new to the field, or if you know a fellow youth worker who might match that description: Onramps is for them.We currently have 3 of the 8 seats filled. We are hoping to launch the next round of Onramp later this Spring.Learn more here


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