New study on teenage sexuality

There's a general perception that cultures morality, especially as it relates to teenage sexuality, is on the rapid decline. But a recent study published by the Centers for Disease Control reveals showed that American teenagers are having less sex and getting pregnant less.Some highlights of the study, as covered by CNN.

  • The teenage birth rate is now 39.1 per 1000. (Down from 51 per 1000 in 1988)
  • 43% of unmarried females ages 15-19 have had sexual intercourse.
  • 42% of unmarried males ages 15-19 have had sexual intercourse. (You read that right)
  • 41% of females and 31% of males say that have abstained from sex for religious reasons.
  • 50% of all STDs contracted in the United States are attributed to those 15-19 years old.
Questions for discussion: Do these statistics challenge your assumptions of adolescent sexuality? Do you take this as a sign that things are getting better? Or are these numbers still too high and we need to keep focusing on teenage sex?

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