New Book Alert! A Woman in Youth Ministry

A Woman in Youth MinistryThese are exciting times for our not-so-small anymore publishing line of youth ministry products. Today I want to pass along information about the first of our new products releasing for this Fall. (Shipping in August)A Woman in Youth Ministry: Honest Insight and Leadership Wisdom for Real People by Gina Abbas.From the back cover:

If you’ve ever been boycotted for being a girl, pumped breast milk on a church bus, gotten fat from eating too much pizza, or wondered if women really can do youth ministry (even when they get old)…

Whether you’re a single or married female in youth ministry, with or without kids…Whether you’re a part-time, full-time, or volunteer youth worker…If you’re serving in a tiny church or a ginormous church…Or even if you’re a guy who wonders how he can better partner with women in youth ministry…

A Woman in Youth Ministry is for you.

This book is full of stories and rants and blessings and cone-of-silence honesty. Gina Abbas is a storyteller, a listening ear, and an honest coach. She pulls no punches and bares her deepest pain and joy. And—over and over again—Gina provides encouragement and practical help for youth ministry leaders who sometimes feel like they’re going it alone.

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