We need your help!

Save-the-date-emailWith our last Open event of the Winter this weekend we're starting to turn our attention towards our Fall events. The biggest hurdle we've faced with The Summit is just telling people that it exists! When we talk to people about it they love the idea and want to be there.With that said... we're still pretty small. Our "reach" (giant massive email list) and our "budget" (giant amount of cash spent on marketing) simply aren't big enough to tell everyone in the world about The Summit.That's where you can help us. This year we've printed thousands of postcards... and we would love it if you'd help us pass them out to youth workers in your area.So if you are going to a youth worker gathering or are going to a denominational meeting or have a group of youth workers you do lunch with once a month, we'd love to send you our postcards so that you can help us spread the word about The Summit.If that's you... contact us and we'll ship them to you

Do you have free samples we can give out?

If you've got a big event let us know and we can figure something out. But again, we're so small... and we work very hard to keep everything we do affordable... that we just don't have lots of things we can give away. A couple of prizes is possible. But giving everyone a free book, not going to happen.


Test..test...is this on?


An interview with Tony Jones about the Progressive Youth Ministry Confernce