Is your life your message?

My life is my message.I love this quote from Ghandi. It's the more poetic form of the well know saying that actions speak louder than words. Don't get me wrong: we need words, absolutely. I'm not a big fan of the 'we should preach the Gospel at all times and use words when necessary' attitude.We always need words, because you cannot explain the Gospel without words. You cannot teach the Bible without words. Jesus Himself used words to explain the Kingdom of God.But words alone are not enough.Our lives are our message, more than any words we speak.

If we preach love, but don't love people ourselves, our words are useless.

If we teach forgiveness, but are bitter ourselves, our teaching is dead.

If we say Jesus is our number one, but are slaves to our particular brand of sin, what we say doesn't matter.

People will look to our lives first, before listening to our words.Is your life the same message you preach? 


Resonating with Leading Up: The importance of Identity


Visualize your priorities with red, yellow and green