Learning to Notice Marginalized Teenagers

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHeHnTt0LaYCollectively, this talk took our breathe away. Marko and I didn't know this was coming. But Gregory had all of our attention from the moment he took the stage.More importantly than his presentation style, his talk left us with serious questions to ponder. 

  1. Do we have the eyes to see teenagers on the edge?
  2. When you recognize the warning signs in seemingly "normal" students, do you act?
  3. What does fearless dialogue look like in your context?
  4. How is interrupting hope talked about in your ministry?
  5. What does a miracle look like to the marginalized among you?
  6. What does it mean to surround young people with communities of reliable others?


These would be excellent questions to process with people who care about teenagers in your ministry. Watch this video with your team and work through these questions. (Adults, student leaders, etc.)We'd love to hear how this video has impacted your ministry. 

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This video is from The Summit 2012. We'd love to have you and your team at The Summit this November. We're bringing together 18 brand new presenters to challenge and stir your imagination.


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