Lady Gaga's prayer

This YouTube video of Lady Gaga praying is a fascinating study in contrasts. Here is this superstar, dressed in outrageous and sexy costumes and in the voice over she’s praying. Earnestly praying.At first, I thought of making a Bible study using this video, but I’m not sure I’d actually want students to watch this. Aside from the fact that she’s in various stages of being barely dressed, the prayer itself is confusing to say the least. Lady Gaga is praying to God (‘Dear Lord’) and there’s gratefulness and a focus on others, but there are also puzzling requests.I’m not judging mind you, which is why I decided this Bible study would be a bad idea. Because it would be judging and even though I have my thoughts after watching this video, it won’t help students grow in their relationship with God. But Lady Gaga’s prayer has made me think.Lady-Gaga-prayerIt’s no wonder young people are mixing religions and lifestyles; it’s what they constantly see happening around them. It’s no wonder the word Christian has become meaningless when on one hand it’s used by everyone and on the other hand people that seem to be ‘real’ Christians’ refuse to use it. It’s no wonder young people become confused about God, about faith and about everything. For it’s a confusing world indeed when Lady Gaga is promoting prayer.


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