Introducing Jesus Goes to the Movies

We've got several brand new things headed your way for Fall 2015, lots of cool stuff we're excited about. The first we want to tell you about is our second book with Joel Mayward (Leading Up), Jesus Goes to the Movies: The Youth Ministry Film Guide. Check this out... it's a full-length book including Joel's impressive theology of film plus 50-- FIFTY-- film guides that you can use as a teaching resource in your ministry.This is a resource that we think every youth worker in the galaxy is going to want on their bookshelf. We'll have a more detailed description, table of contents, and a sample pretty soon. (Sign up and we'll email it to you when it's available.)But for now I'll leave you with the official description:

Movies can and do have tremendous influence in shaping young lives in the realm of entertainment towards the ideals and objectives of normal adulthood.-Walt Disney

Jesus Goes to the Movies by Joel MaywardToday’s youth are growing up in a culture where films are no longer relegated to the big screen and the family television. Movies have spilled onto our computers, our tablets, and even our smartphones. Our young people are saturated in a movie-watching ethos, yet they often don’t know how to process the films they consume. How can we guide teens and young adults into viewing films through a Jesus-colored lens?Drawing on engaging stories and thoughtful cultural critique, Jesus Goes to the Movies provides a framework for discipleship and faith formation. It offers youth workers a theology of movies that can be passed to the next generation, equipping them with critical-thinking skills, discernment, and the ability to engage the film culture surrounding them with wisdom, grace, and truth.It comes out August 11th, now available for pre-orders


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