Introducing 1-on-1 Coaching

Every now and then you need someone outside your daily world to look at your life and ministry with fresh eyes. Sometimes you feel stuck in your current reality, other times there’s a problem you aren’t sure how to navigate. Sometimes you are wondering what’s your next step forward. Other times you’re experiencing a ceiling that you’re not sure how to break through.Our trained and certified coaches can help you work through youth ministry challenges like:

  • processing staff transitions
  • caring for your soul in the midst of ministry demands
  • evaluating changes in programming
  • dealing with problematic volunteers
  • recruiting and developing volunteers
  • clarifying your ministry's calendar
  • articulating and communicating vision
  • developing student leaders
  • establishing the right systems and processes

...and more! We love youth workers and we love it when we get better at what we do and who we are.Frankly, most of us could use a coach, an outside voice and new perspective, to help us thrive!Intrigued? Heart beating a little faster? You can find out more here:'re also launching several new coaching cohorts through YMCP this ministry year. Check out more info here:


The Three Biggest Mistakes in Creating a Mission and Vision


The Steely, Totally Straight-Faced, Completely Sincere-Looking Gaze