Your greatest path of influence with teens

As youth workers, we are striving to make an impact on the life of teens. Ultimately, out goal is to make them into devoted followers of Jesus. But how do we get them there?


Bible studies?



Small groups?

I think these all have their place. But sometimes we focus so much on these, that we forget our greatest path of influence with teens: love. Unconditional, selfless, Christ-like love.So many of our teens hurt inside. No matter how tough they look on the outside, most of them are dying for a safe place where they are loved and accepted just as they are. That place could be you.They won't care about what we have to say, until we first show that we care about them. They won't care about God's love for them, if we don't first show that love to them.What will you do today to show the teens you meet and connect with that you love them?Love


Reading and teaching the Bible as more than soundbites


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