How to get rid of your pastor

A pastor in Sterling, Colorado wrote 5 snarky tips for getting a pastor to quit.Here are my favorite two:

Idea No. 2: Pat your pastor on the back and brag on his good points two or three times a month. Make a bunch of phone calls to your friends and neighbors and tell them all the good things about your pastor. In a little while, so many more people will start coming to your church, you'll have to hire an associate pastor, and your senior pastor will be free to leave.Idea No. 5: Get a whole bunch of the church members to unite in earnest intercessory prayer for the pastor, his ministry and his family. Organize prayer meetings in which you pray for the growth of the church and the blessing of the pastor. The pastor may become so effective in ministry that some larger church will gladly take him off your the rest

I'm guessing there is a story behind this pastor's snarky article. But I think that anyone who has worked at a church can empathize. Who hasn't felt appreciated from time-to-time? It's a sad reality which haunts us all.Question: If you were to write, "How to get rid of your youth pastor," what would make your list?ht to Ministry Best Practices


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