Finding a job: Writing your interview questions

Job-Interview-Prep-Part-2-Main-Interview-Thumbnail2-1024x576"Do you have any questions for us?"    "Ummmm, not as this time......"#FAILOne thing you need to remember is that during the interview process you are interviewing the church as much as they are interviewing you.  It's just reality that you need to ask them a ton of questions. That's generally why you need multiple interviews with many different people.  I suggest you figure out what questions you can ask the pastor, students, parents, elders, deacons, board members, assistants, secretaries, random people you meet.  All of them are potential major sources of information that will help you as you job hunt.  Don't hesitate to ask questions. They expect you to and honestly will like you more if you show that you are all about figuring out what they are. So here's what we will talk about:1. How to start a search process and looking for jobs? 2. Think about your fit3. Start writing your interview questions (you will be interviewing them)4. Prep Work (be the most informed candidate they have)5. Resumes, video introductions, cover letters and applications6. Interviews: Presenting yourself well7. Interviews: How to get a second one8. Face to face to face to face. What to do when they bring you in for a weekend?9. Negotiating 10110. Negotiating 20111. Seeking Discernment: Praying, asking friends, checking with family.


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Finding a job: Think about your fit