Cutting Foreign Aid to the Poor

A Pew survey earlier this year found that 56% of evangelicals think "aid to the world's poor" should be the first thing cut from the federal budget. In September, a Baylor University survey found that Americans who strongly believe that "God has a plan" for their lives—as evangelicals do—are the most likely to oppose government intervention on behalf of the poor.Read the rest (Wall Street Journal, written by Richard Stearns - President of World Vision)

You're kidding me, right?Hundreds of thousands of people are starving to death in the horn of Africa. (Just one example of hunger) Literally, our farmers grow more food than our obese people can eat. But apparently 56% of evangelicals think we should just let that rot and not try to help people with our wealth?Seriously? I don't get it. Can someone please explain to the 44% of us why the rest of you think we should cut aid to the poor before say, the Defense Department? You're saying its better to invest billions in building weapons to blow people up than it is to spend the same money to feed people?I'd love to hear someone biblical justification for that position. Do you have one? Help me understand your perspective.


Youth ministry management: 10 key principles (part 1)


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