Connecting Evernote and Twitter

[This post is part of the series on Time Management in Youth Ministry]. I love Evernote and I love Twitter. Connecting these two fantastic apps is therefore a powerful combination for me. Here’s how you can connect Evernote and Twitter and use both to full capacity. 

Tweet from Evernote

Did you know you can tweet directly from Evernote? Just select a note, do either a right click or click on Note – Share in the Menu and then select Twitter. It will create a tweet with a direct link to this note. That means people who do not have an Evernote account will be able to view that note. And don’t worry, you only share that note, not the rest of your Evernote notes! You can easily revoke public access to that note at any time, just go to the Note settings and change it back to private.Sharing notes directly from Evernote onto Twitter is an easy way to collect and share important things. You could collect quotes for instance and tweet them one at a time, tweet links to great websites or other resources you have found or simply share your thought in a note-tweet. Especially when you want to spread out your tweets and not tweet everything at once, it’s a great tool to collect good ‘tweetable’ stuff and tweet it easily later.

Tweet into Evernote

The other way around works as well and it’s a tool I’m using a lot. All you have to do is start following @myEN on Twitter. When you do, they will send you a link to connect you Evernote and Twitter account. You can now tweet stuff directly into Evernote by simply tweeting it to @myEN. It will automatically end up in your inbox.I use this a lot for interesting links people tweet that I want to look at later, for prayer requests from other youth leaders and for anything else that’s relevant. I’m always looking for topics to blog about for instance and recently some people tweeted subjects they were interested in. Instead of having to write them down or typing them into Evernote, I just forwarded the whole tweet to Evernote.A few things are important here to notice:

  • Obviously your tweet is not private, unless you DM (which you can do). People can therefore see what you tweet into Evernote when they look in your Twitter stream. Keep that in mind with whatever you tweet.
  • If you don’t DM, it’s usually best to remove any references to other users before tweeting into Evernote, because otherwise the tweet will show up in their @ stream.
  • Don’t forget to remove hashtags when you don’t DM. I recently tweeted something to @myEN but forgot to remove the #ywchat hashtag so it still showed up in that stream.

If you’re not familiar with Evernote yet, here are two a good post to discover what Evernote is and how you can use it in youth ministry: 3 great ways to use Evernote in youth ministry and How Evernote can change the way you work in youth ministry.Have you connected Evernote and Twitter yet? How are you using this connection?


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