bullies, bullied, and fighting back

High school student Whitney Kropp was shocked earlier this month when she was named to the homecoming court.Her happy surprise turned to humiliation when she learned the reason. The students thought it would be funny if the popularity contest was won by someone who was unpopular.Kids pointed at her in the hallways and laughed. The boy who was picked with her withdrew.Students told her that, in case she was wondering why the boy had dropped out, he was uncomfortable being linked with her."I thought I wasn't worthy," said Kropp, 16. "I was this big old joke."Source: The Detroit News

this one's tricky for me.the initial bullying was horrible. and the help and outpouring of support it, on one hand, really wonderful. but i wonder how the bullied girl feels about the whole town feeling pity and pitching in to help the "most unpopular student."


Happy Cartel-y Thanksgiving


And the winners are....