Braylon Edwards Keeps His Promise

The former Cleveland Brown promised in 2005 to give $10,000 scholarships to 100 eighth-graders if they could graduate high school with a 2.5 GPA with 15 hours of community service and get into college.

Edwards has a base salary of about $1 million with the 49ers, which is only $210,000 more than he will have to pay for the kids to go to school.

The students are spread out across 22 college campuses, including Cornell and Harvard.

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A couple of thoughts

  • I bet he didn't think this was going to cost him 80% (or more) of his wages when he made the promise!
  • With his challenge, 79 out of 100 students met the minimum requirements. Maybe schools should think about that?
  • We need more guys like that in the NFL. I don't have any idea what else he is doing with his life, but this is great.
  • He's gonna get audited. Nothing says "flagged by the IRS" quite like writing off 80% of your salary.
  • If I were his wife I'd say, "Two dropped passes today? Two dropped passes aren't going to pay for that kids pre-med, is it? Catch the ball Braylon!"
  • Sometimes you make a promise to do something, and it sounds like a good idea at the time, but when it comes right down to it, it's going to cost you 80% of your money.

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