Another School Shooting, What Can You Do?

"Another day, another school shooting" is the saddest of refrains. Here at The Youth Cartel we're brokenhearted and weary at the news of yet another school shooting today.In our lament, we don't know what else we can possibly do, we're doing what we can to resource you and give you the tools you need to lead your teenagers.For the next 24 hours our brand new 4-week curriculum, Viva! Guns is free for the taking. Please, we beg you, take it and use it in your ministry. (Heck, maybe nudge your senior pastor to think about it as a weekend series?) Download it, tweak it, make it work... our only request is that you use it.Click here to download it now


One Part Science, One Part Youth Ministry


5 Spiritual Disciplines for the Highly Distracted Soul