5 Things That Bug Me About Youth Group

A youth worker friend of mine send me this interesting video from an American teen talking about 'The 5 things that bug me in youth group'. Here are her five things:

  1. The repetitive use of the same verses
  2. The Kim Walker wannabes (a bit of a weird point, to be honest)
  3. The sex talks
  4. The games
  5. The drama

Her first point is especially illuminating I think - the part where she talks about how nine out of ten talks in youth group are about the same three verses (John 3:16, Romans 12:1-2 and 1 Timothy 4:12). Not only that, she points out that for the second and third verses especially only parts of the passages are preached. Plus she calls the messages 'over-preached and cliché'.Ouch.Here's a teen who, in all her wonderful youthful energy and naiveté, asks for more of Jesus. She makes it clear she doesn't want the same (behavioral) message over and over. She wants Jesus!How would she 'rate' your youth group and especially your talks? How often do you talk about the same verses, the same passages, or do you basically deliver the same message?I loved this video, even if I didn't agree with all of it. It's a refreshing perspective on youth group from a teen herself!What did you think of this video? She's got a ton more by the way - haven't watched them all though obviously. 


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