2025 Youth Worker Compensation Report
Year eight of the Youth Pastor Compensation Survey is complete! The survey is brought to you by Chemistry Staffing in association with The Youth Cartel, Download Youth Ministry, and ChurchSalary.com by Gloo. Dan Navarra is the lead researcher and author of this report and serves part-time with Chemistry Staffing as a Church Coach, where he helps churches find healthy long-term fits for key roles. Dan also has over fifteen years of youth ministry experience. Special thanks are well deserved for the general editing done, as always, by Mark Oestreicher of The Youth Cartel. The heart of this team remains the empowerment of youth workers to understand their compensation better and equip them to have conversations about their careers and compensation with their churches, ultimately leading to long-term health for the youth workers and the ministries they lead. We care about youth workers and want to help them win at life and ministry!