2020 Youth Pastor Compensation Report

Let's start with the good news. Our survey shows that Youth Pastor compensation grew at a rate of 2.8% nationally. This is actually ahead of the governments 1.6% cost of living adjustment rate. So compensation for our tribe continues to grow and is on the right path.

But it's not all great news. For example, we have a gender wage gap that seems to widen more and more as youth workers get more experience. In California, some are struggling to earn above the new legal minimum wage for salaried workers. Many churches offer sub-par benefits packages or none at all. And, new his year, our report explores the role of the side hustle as part of how many are able to sustain their ministry.

As we've shared in previous years, the two main factors we find in talking to youth workers leaving the ministry to enter another career are: Burnout & lack of compensation. We feel like these two things are inter-related. Sometimes people burnout because they need a side hustle or are worried about money.

So we're headed in the right direction but we've got work left to do!

This is the third year that Dan has published the results of his massive, online survey of youth worker compensation. With 1506 respondents it is the largest compensation survey and report of its kind. Why does he do it?

Plain and simple, my desire is for this information to help you turn your calling into a sustainable career by best understanding the landscape of pastoral compensation among our tribe. 

Dan Navarra, 2020 Youth Pastor Compensation Report

Dan’s report is 10-pages of useful info, unpacking the results of his survey, and is available for free. Just fill out the form below and we’ll email it to you.


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